Pastor Alan continues his series on "The End Times." In part two, through the parables of the Two Servants and the Ten Bridesmaids, he...
Pastor Alan continues his series on the the End Times by discussing the Parable of the Talents. Video version includes kids' message.
Pastor Alan completes his series on the end times, by looking at how we can live effective godly lives in the midst of great trouble.
This week, Pastor Alan begins a new series on what it means to follow Jesus
Pastor Alan continues his series on what it means to follow Jesus. This week's message: "Walking with God."
Pastor Alan completes (for now) his series on "Following Jesus" with a message entitled "God's Poetry" (Ephesians 2:10).
Pastor Alan continues his Gospel Advent Series. "Gospel Love," closely examines John 3:16. There's a lot more to it than you might have...
The first message in Pastor Alan's new series, "In the Wilderness." This week we look at how God uses the "wilderness," to train us in...
Pastor Alan continues his series, "In the Wilderness." The next three weeks we plan to look at Jesus' temptations in the wilderness....
Pastor Alan continues his series, "In the Wilderness." This week we're looking at Jesus' second temptation